As a start to the 10th Anniversary Celebrations for this is the first of a series of competitions and events to celebrate 10 great years of Easter Competition is supposed to be a little bit of fun for Children and ADDults alike!
UPDATE 8th April 2007 Winner Announced
Well the date for the Easter Bunnys Birthday is .......
21st March
There was no one who guessed the exact date so therefore the prize goes to the person who guessed the nearest and that was Alexandra who guessed 8th March
Well Done Alexandra one cute little Easter Bunny on its way to you!
Hope you enjoy!
All you have to do is check out the picture of the Easter Bunny below and decide what date is the Bunny's Birthday.
Then all you do is click the paypal link below and donate £1 per guess or 3 guesses for £2 and send in the form giving the date you think is the correct Birthday date!
If more than one person chooses the same date then all names will be put into a hat and one overall winner will be pulled out and all others will receive a prize from the Charity Shop.
The WINNER will be announced on Easter Sunday 8th April 2007.
The winner will be notified by email so please make sure that your email address is correct - we will then ask for your land address so that we can send out your prize!
Watch This Space!!
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