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Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 1, April '97

Important, Please Note

This is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check for up to date information.

Two stories appeared on the front page of our mailed Newsletter, which are already on our Local News Page. Click on the title to view them and use the back button on your browser to get back here.

Thom Hartmann In Margate - 5th April 1997

Meeting with East Kent Area Health Authority, 8th April 1997

We have been very busy over the past 3 months raising awareness to AD/HD to the professionals and general public alike. The Media campaign included interviews with local newspapers , BBC Radio Kent and T.V. broadcasts , all of which brought a positive response.

We have arranged meetings for adult members for the following dates:

7-5-97 - 7.30pm - St Pauls Community Trust Hall - General, informal get together for chat and coffee.

4-6-97 - 7.30pm - St Pauls Community Trust Hall - Dr Nayak has agreed to come and talk on AD/HD

Youth Club

Grant, Karen (Youth Worker), Richard and Benjamin enjoying the youth meeting on 11th April. 

On Friday 11th April we had a trial youth meeting which everyone appeared to enjoy. Unfortunately we were unable to book this hall on a regular basis and a new venue had to be found along with equipment, helpers, insurance cover, police checks for the helpers etc., etc. Well, Caroline (Hensby) came up trumps. She's managed to solve all these problems in one fell swoop. She got in touch with Kent Artwise and they have welcomed the opportunity of working with us. Not only can we have use of their gym (with basketball hoops) for our meetings but we may also be able to use their facilities, such as video editing suite, dance studio and print and design workshop. Youth workers will be provided to help and their insurance and Police checking will cover us. The first meeting wil be on 9th May, 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. £1 subscription for each child will include refreshments, all ages are welcome. Once established, those aged 12 and over can stay on for the Artwise sessions, 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Further details will be available at this first meeting or contact Caroline or Simon.

Stop Press

We have been offered a stall for fund raising by the Millmead Residents Association at their Charity Fair. At Northdown School on 24th May at 1p.m.

We hope to run either a smash the china stall or a tombola. Donations and offers of help are required.

Finally we are hoping to arrange a day out for members to Chessington World of Adventures during the Summer Holidays. Details of cost and bookings will be sent out shortly.

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