Dugo Selo
Sandra Geri, President of the Association, ADHD I JA
We are the Association for Helping Children with Special Needs ADHD AND ME. We Help children who have difficulties: ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, individualized approach to learning, behavioral disorders, abused children from other children and adults, welfare cases, children without one or both parents, with kids who do not have physical and mental damage, and regularly attend preschool and school institutions.
We accept children aged 4-18 years, we currently have 132 members and their parents.
We help them in the manner that they are working with professionals: logopeds, special educator, psychlogists, and two professors for teaching. We are a non-profit organization that is financed by projects so that children and parents is all completely for free.. The children we work artistically-creative workshops (Easter Exhibition eggs, cycling, children's sports, Children's Week, a celebration On Earth, Christmas shows, masks) and similar events related to our city.
Regularly held parent meetings, various activities, trips, education, environmental action. Our goal is to help children and removed them from the streets so as not to get into the bad company, improved grades in school, carried more easily with everyday problems, and parents we help how to cope with everyday problems related to their children and living difficulties.
Our wish is that if in Europe there is a similar institutions (NGOs) dealing with such problems related to children with them come into contact for international cooperation, exchange information and experiences, and opportunities to visit us.
Tel: +385 1 2752071
Fax: +38512753281
Cell: +385997367605
Email: Click Here