ADD/ADHD Research
Here you will find articles and links to current research into or related to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This is provided to give you the visitor information as to what is currently being done in this area. It only contains information about research that we know of and does not constitute a complete list of everything going on in this field. Please also note that by providing this information, it does not necessarily mean that agrees or disagrees with any article.
Click on the headings below:
Neurodivergence and Active Travel in Scotland
ADHD and Wellbeing Study
What aspects of mental health and wellbeing matter to ADHDers?
ADHD medication, Self-view and Relationships Study
Attention Training Technique Study
Supporting Girls Experiencing ADHD in Secondary Schools
Study into Developing a Needs Assessment Plan for Self-Management of Adult ADHD
New research into MNS effects on ADHD, OCD and GAD
A randomised controlled trial of the effects of a probiotic drink in children with ADHD
Research into median nerve stimulation on ADHD symptoms
Online positive psychology intervention study with adults who have ADHD
Research into road crossing experiences
Research participants required: Understanding experiences of the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in the UK
Research participants required: The role of exercise in ADHD self-management
Research participants required: Evaluating the impact of a wearable on Anxiety and Focus amongst adults with ADHD
Research participants required: 20 min video or phone call – Covid Experience
2 London UK Studies On Non Medication Treatments For ADHD
UK Survey Mapping Adult ADHD Services In The UK
Potential Research To Help Individuals With ADHD In Their Visual Processing, Especially Reading Ability
Survey on management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
UK Study - Research into the social and economic impacts of ADHD
UK Study - Impact Of Parenting On A Child With A Developmental Disability
Children To Adults ADHD Services UK Study
Research Study Into Treatments For ADHD
Mood mAPPer Research Participant Recruitment
Web Based Therapeutic Tool For ADHD Pilot Study
Scottish study into executive function in children with and without ADHD
Major European wide study into ADHD and Autism
Australian Adult ADHD & ASD Research Project
South African ADHD research study
UK study into navigational impairment in those with ADHD
UK study investigating stress, emotion regulation and coping in caregivers
UK study into eating behaviour, weight, self-control and parent-child interactions
UK study - Can colour filters in spectacles help with behaviour
New Zealand study - Investigation into the effect of a nutritional supplement in children with ADHD
UK Research into side effects of methylphenidate
USA research study exploring the brain regions people use to remember information
USA research study to evaluate the effects of Guanfacine (INTUNIV)
UK Study - Comparison of coping styles used by caregivers of children under 18
USA Study - Divorce and Family Cohesiveness in Families with Children diagnosed with ADHD
UK Study - How ADHD Affects Siblings
ADHD Expert Dr.Levin's response to research 'Misrepresentation of Neuroscience Data...'
New Zealand Research Project - Effect of a Nutritional Supplement on Attention and Mood in Adults with ADHD
UK Research Project - Learning Attitudes
New Clues on Causes of ADHD
Recruitment of Adolescent Boys for ADHD Study at IoP
New Research Project by Dr Billy Levin with
A Watch for ADDers by Nick Jordan
ADHD and Adjustment to College
Children and Adults with ADHD Bridging the Gap - The Need for Creative Collaboration between CAMHS and Adult Mental Health Services
The Association Between Hyperkinesis and Breakdown of Parenting in Clinic Populations
Delta Plots in the Study of Individual Differences: New Tools Reveal Response Inhibition Deficits in AD/HD That Are Eliminated by Methylphenidate Treatment
Regional cerebral blood flow in children with ADHD: changes with age
Atomoxetine Ingestions in Children: A Report from Poison Centers
Modeling ADHD child and family relationships
Comparative Study of Cerebral White Matter in Autism and Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Means of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy(1).
Coping Skills and Parent Support Mediate the Association Between Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Adolescent Cigarette Use
Ropinirole in a Child With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Restless Legs Syndrome
Medication Combined with Behavior Therapy Works Best for ADHD Children, Study
Help needed for research at Southampton University - UK
Atomoxetine and Stimulants in Combination for Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder: Four Case Reports
ADHD Least Understood In The UK - New Global Survey Reveals UK Parents Hardest Hit By Child's ADHD
Unrecognised Dyslexia and the Route to Offending
New Results from the MTA Study - Do treatment effects persist?
The role of Disability Living Allowance in the management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD: Increased Costs For Patients And Their Families
Understanding and Recognizing ADHD by Dr Nikos Myttas
Stigma Of Disorder, Lack Of Information Significant Barriers To Treatment Of ADHD Among African Americans, Hispanics
A Whole-Genome Scan in 164 Dutch Sib Pairs with Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder: Suggestive Evidence for Linkage on Chromosomes 7p and 15q
Assessing the molecular genetics of attention networks
A qualitative study of Australian GPs' attitudes and practices in the diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Low self-esteem and psychiatric patients: Part I – The relationship between low self-esteem and psychiatric diagnosis
Recent Advances in the Genetics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Is primary care ready to take on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
Does routine child health surveillance contribute to the early detection of children with pervasive developmental disorders? – An epidemiological study in Kent, U.K.
Methylphenidate Enhances Working Memory by Modulating Discrete Frontal and Parietal Lobe Regions in the Human Brain
Methylphenidate Improves Response Inhibition in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Long term medical conditions: career prospects
Help needed for research at Southampton University - UK
A genomewide scan for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in an extended sample: suggestive linkage on 17p11
Genetic linkage of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on chromosome 16p13, in a region implicated in autism
A genomewide scan for loci involved in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Genetics OF ADHD
Understanding and recognizing ADHD - Article by Dr Nikos Myttas
Extracts from Institute of Psychiatry Research Report 2002
Developmental neuropsychopathology of attention deficit and impulsiveness.
Hypescheme International Entry System
IMAGE - Mapping susceptibility genes for attention deficity hyperactivity disorder
Sail (Study Of Activity And Impulsivity Levels In Children)
Prior juvenile diagnoses in adults with mental disorder: developmental follow-back of a prospective-longitudinal cohort
Treatment In Childhood Could Halve Rates Of Mental Disorders
Hyperactivity and Conduct Problems as Risk Factors for Adolescent Development
Neuropsychological analyses of impulsiveness in childhood hyperactivity
Study Confirms Concerta (methylphenidate HCl) Effective, Safe Treatment For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AD(H)D Research Project - Psychological Aspects of ADD
Ritalin "does not lead to drug abuse"
A pilot study of methylphenidate, clonidine, or the combination in ADHD comorbid with aggressive oppositional defiant or conduct disorder
Nonstimulant Therapy Shows Effectiveness in ADHD
More about SPECT Scans, Cancer and ADHD by Thom Hartmann
Study Raises Hopes for Adhd Medical Test, more about PET Scans
Further Study on ADDerall
Brain Areas Critical To Human Time Sense Identified
Mapping susceptibility genes for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Increase in ADHD And Comorbid Disorders Seen in Families of Girls With ADHD
New Study on ADDerall
ADHD in Girls
Study Finds Careful Medication Management Of ADHD Superior To Behavioural Treatment
Pharmacotherapy of Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Reduces Risk for Substance Use Disorder
Multimodality Integrated Biofeedback
Brain Scan Shows ADHD
Serotonin May Hold Key to Hyperactivity Disorder Disorder Treatment
Paying Attention
Treating Children's Sleep Disorders Improves Attention Deficit Symptoms
Other older research projects
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