Clock Tables
Download Clock Tables
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Portable Licence: This portable program is provided free of charge for use on a memory stick and is not to be copied to any computer hard drive. Simply download the zip file (to the memory stick if you wish). Then open the zip file and extract the contents to your memory stick. A folder will be created 'Olltwit Portable Apps'. Inside you will find the program folder. Double click the program file inside that directory to run. Installation versions of these programs can be found here.
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Suitable for UK Key Stage 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 2nd to 12th Grade (Age 7 - adult)
Recommended Minimum System: PC, Windows 95/NT4 or better e.g. XP, Vista, Windows 7, 16MB Ram, Pentium 166.
Clock Tables is my Clock Patience card game adapted to a program for helping to learn the times tables. The idea of using the Clock Patience or Clock Solitaire card game in this way, comes from Leigh Newton.
Times tables or multiplication tables as they are also known, are really the building blocks of mathematics. Like your ABC, everyone should try to master the times tables, so that they know them off by heart, at least up to the 10 times tables. It cannot be stressed enough how important they are in every day life. Even just going shopping you will find that the multiplication tables in your head will prove extremely useful. Once you have mastered them you will also find that other areas of math become easier to understand and your ability to do sums in your head will increase. Mental arithmetic is so important as we don't always have pen and paper to hand. Once memorized, the times tables will be a huge benefit in the level of your intelligence, ability to learn and in logical decision making. You will also find it easier to add up and subtract in your head, once you know your multiplication tables, such is their usefulness.