Term | Meaning |
ACE | Advisory Centre for Education |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
AEN | Additional Educational Needs |
AS | Asperger Syndrome |
ASD | Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
BIP | Behavioural Improvement Programme |
CA | Carers Allowance |
CAFS | Child and Adolescent Family Services |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CATs | Cognitive Ability Tests |
CBT | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy |
CDC | Child Development Centre |
CIN | Children in Need |
CP | Child Protection |
DfES | The Department of Education and Skills |
DLA | Disability Living Allowance |
DRC | The Disability Rights Commission |
DS | Downs Syndrome |
DX | Abbreviation for "diagnosis" |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer |
G & T | Gifted and Talented |
GDD | Global Developmental Delay |
GLD | General/Global Learning Difficulty |
HFA | High Functioning Autism |
HI | Hearing Impaired |
HSA | Home-School Agreement |
HOY | Head of Year |
IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IPSEA | Independent Panel for Special Educational Needs |
LAC | Looked After Children (children in Care) |
LD | Learning Difficulties / Disability |
Learning Difficulties
LEA | Local Education Authority |
LSA | Learning Support Assistant |
LSS | Learning Support Service |
LSC | The Learning and Skills Council |
Meds | Abbreviation for "medication" |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulties |
ND | Neuro-Diverse |
NT | Neuro-Typical |
OT | Occupational Therapy |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
ODD | Oppositional Defiance Disorder |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
PALS | Patient Advice and Liaison Service |
PDA | Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome |
PDD | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PDD-NOS | Persuasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified |
PCT | Primary Care Trust |
PI | Physically Impaired |
PMLD | Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties |
PP / (PWP) | Parent Partnership / Partnership With Parents |
PRU | Pupil Referral Unit |
PSP | Personal Support Plan |
Rx | Abbreviation for Prescription |
SA | School Action |
SAP | School Action Plus |
Script | abbreviation for Prescription |
SEBD | Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
SI | Sensory Impairment |
SLD | Severe Learning Difficulties |
SpLT or SALT | Speech and Language Therapy |
SS | Social Services |
STF | Specialist Teaching Facility |
SW | Social Worker |
TS | Tourettes Syndrome |
TX | abbreviation for "treatment" |
VI | Visually Impaired |
YOT | Youth Offending Team |
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