Web Links
TES Teaching resources - We support teachers by providing TES Resources
UK ADHD Educational Software - UK educational software, specialists programs for ADHD and other learning disabilities
Educational and Learning Software - Directory of educational and learning software providers
Dept Education & Skills - Dept of Education for UK
The Disability Rights Commission - New powers are for the DRC to issue Codes of Practice, to carry out investigations into complaints of disability discrimination in all education settings and to provide a conciliation service
Disability Equality in Education - "DEE supports the inclusion of disabled people in mainstream education through the provision of training, consultancy and resources"
ADDISS - National ADHD Charity with Resources and Information Centre including resources for sale including many educational books and videos including ADHD in the Classroom- Strategies for Teachers (Video) by Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. - for teachers - parents and others
National Curriculum - The curriculum online for families who choose to use the National Curriculum as a framework for their children's education
SENCO org UK - Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator Site, full of useful information on Education Special Needs.
Educational-Psychologist.co.uk - Website of a group of UK Educational Psychologists providing information and consultations via email."...Work with an educational psychologist via e-mail advice and joint problem solving. Problems with: Reading, writing, spelling, specific learning difficulties/dyslexia, behaviour, ADD and ADHD, general learning difficulties, language delay and disorder, physical difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders, other disorders and syndromes."
ACE - Advisory Centre for Education - "The Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) is an independent registered charity, which offers information about state education in England and Wales for parents of school age children."
Alliance for Inclusive Education - "We are a national network of individuals families and groups who work together to help change our education system. The changes we wish to bring about are based on our conviction that all young people need to educated in a single mainstream education system which can support all young people to learn, play and live with each other"
Enquire - Children In Scotland - "Children in Scotland is the national agency for voluntary, statutory and professional organisations and individuals working with children and their families in Scotland."
Special Needs Assessment Profile (SNAP) - "a new website which will be a major resource for special needs professionals working with 5-14 year olds with specific learning difficulties. It links specifically to the
new, computer-aided Special Needs Assessment Profile (SNAP), while providing a general-purpose resource in which your own organisation and/or materials are referenced, with a web link"
Include - "Charity tackling school exclusions"
Independent Panel for Special Education Advice - "IPSEA Independent Panel for Special Education Advice - Defending children’s right to special education provision"
Home Education Advisory Service - "The Home Education Advisory service is a registered charity that gives advice, information and support to parents who are educating their children at home. They produce a range of publications and leaflets and provide consultancy services to professionals. Subscribers to HEAS receive a quarterly magazine, regional membership lists and access to the HEAS Advice Line."
Educate Online - Educate online is run by Chris Smith (a home educator) from Weston-super-Mare. Includes some excellent resources for home educators.
Education Otherwise - "A UK-based membership organisation which provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school, and for those who wish to uphold the freedom of families to take proper responsibility for the education of their children."
U.K. Home Teaching Webpage - Useful list of resources for UK home educator
The Satellite School - If you are home schooling in the UK, it is possible to get your LEA to fund The Satellite School. Note the word "possible", as it is not necessarily easy and varies between LEA's, but then nothing involving an LEA is ever easy, well not the ones we've come across anyway.
Alternatives in Education - A site devoted to providing information on education alternatives to school
Human Scale Education - A charity which promotes and advises on small schools and other initiatives which support human scale values in education
PIN - Independent advice for parents on the use of computers for learning; software reviews
Learning Packs - "Access 2,000 British school and college worksheets from more than 100 national curriculum workbooks."
VIPs in SEN - "features a mix of comprehensive information to
help parents and has a campaigning edge for improving provision in special
educational needs."
The Independent Schools Guide - "the Independent Schools Guide and Schools for Special Needs - A Complete Guide, to create a complete on-line directory of over 2300 schools and colleges. Compiled by Gabbitas Educational Consultants this site enables you to search for schools that meet your needs, and includes an introduction to all aspects of independent education"
Inclusive Solutions - "'CIRCLE OF FRIENDS' (1999) by Derek Wilson and Colin Newton. 'Circles of Friends' provides a step-by-step approach to setting up peer supports and harnessing the problem solving skills of the most natural resource available to schools - other children"
Local Government Ombudsman - Useful site for Local Government Ombudsman
Questique - "Educational word game --- ideal aid for teaching the English language: Questique is a unique strategy crossword board game that can be played in a home, school or further educational environment. "
Inclusive Science and Special Educational
Needs (ISSEN) - "This is from the ASE/NASEN collaborative project and
features resources, articles, relevant policy statements, and details of the
email discussion group. Please feel free to pass on these details to anyone
who may be interested."
National Association for Gifted Children - "The Association recognises that the needs of gifted children are best met when parents, students, education professionals, schools and colleges are able to share a common forum and gain wider understanding of home/school issues."
National Association of Special Educational Needs - "With over fifty branches across the country nasen is the leading organisation in the UK which aims to promote the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special and additional support needs."
Network 81
Behaviour UK
- "The world's first interactive behaviour software providing self-counselling to pupils via the computer launches this summer. So often video and film, and within the last eight years, video games have been condemned for teaching young people poor behaviour."
Parents for Inclusion - "Parents helping parents so their disabled children can learn, make friends and have a voice in ordinary schools and throughout life."
SNAP Cymru - "SNAP Cymru Parent Partnership Service offers independent, impartial information and advice. The service is free to parents, carers and young people. Our trained Officers and Volunteer Independent Parental Supporters are able to help "
KIDSCAPE - "the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child abuse..."
Bullying Online - "The website contains practical advice on a wide variety of topics including internet safety and how to deal with cyber bullying. It also includes information on racist abuse and information on how to deal with bullying outside school."
Money Matters: A Guide to Teaching Finances to Children - This is an excellent 5-part resource that includes; Current financial affairs - specifically among younger adults;
US government-sponsored investment programs; At home steps that families can take to teach finances; Understanding credit and credit cards and; An extensive list of trusted financial resources for parents, teachers and young people.
Refinance & Mortgage Guide for People with Disabilities - "This guide seeks not only to provide the reader with the most relevant and essential resources needed to navigate the myriad of red tape and sometimes rigid processes regularly associated with real estate purchases; it also aims to educate you."
Self Help Magazine - "ADHD IN THE CLASSROOM, PART 1: STRATEGIES FOR BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT by Richard R. Matte and Jon A. Bolaski"
Dr Paul.com - "Fact Sheets : Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) In The Classroom"
ADDinSchool - "Identifying Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Classroom: Eight Things Teachers Should Ask Themselves"
Educator Resources on ADHD - "Hints for Classroom Teachers"
ADD Warehouse - "Lots of books and videos available including ADHD in the Classroom- Strategies for Teachers (Video) by Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D."
about.com - "Top 5 Further Reading - ADHD in the Classroom"
K12 Academics - "The Complete Education Resource & Job Advertisement Center for Teachers, Students, Parents, College Education Majors and District Officials involved in the K-12 Education System"
Student Approved Teacher Alliance (SAT Alliance) - "The Student Approved Teacher Alliance (SAT Alliance), an educational 501©3 not-for-profit organization is committed to using innovative educational techniques in order to give every child an equal opportunity at life. Our premiere program will be the introduction of our Tutor/Mentor/Teachers which will be utilizing a technique called physio-neuro therapy"
Special Needs, Special Children, Special Help
- Susan DePaola represents parents of children with diabilities in getting services in public schools in Alabama.
- A site dedicated to education resources, particularly Special Education. Includes links to information on a wide range of disorders.
- The National Academy for Child Development - an international organisation of parents and professionals dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. Includes information on software and other resources.
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