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Linked Disorders

Outsmart Anxiety - GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) - "Outsmart Anxiety offers you information and tools to overcome GAD, multiple types of anxiety (social, driving anxiety, agoraphobia) and panic attacks.

Our motto is Overcoming Anxiety Naturally And Forever! Outsmart Anxiety website was created by Alex Noble who suffered from anxiety for many years until he finally got it under control. The website is not promising you a total cure, but if you read and apply the information on this site you will get better. Outsmart Anxiety offers you information and tools to overcome GAD, multiple types of anxiety (social, driving anxiety, agoraphobia) and panic attacks."

Dyscalculia - Rakiya provides an excellent math problem solving website which includes information about dyscalculia on the linked page. Dyscalculia is a math learning disability rather like dyslexia, which is not highly recognized.

Sibs - "Sibs is the UK charity for people who grow up with a disabled brother or sister. We support siblings who are growing up with or who have grown up with a brother or sister with any disability, long term chronic illness, or life limiting condition."

National Autistic Society - criminal justice professionals - "National Autistic Society has created a dedicated area of the website with an e-learning tool devised to help raise professional awareness amongst criminal justice professionals at all levels. Sign up to learn more about autism and Asperger syndrome and how it may affect your particular areas of work."

Mind Room - "Our goal is to create such awareness and understanding that by the year 2020, all children in this country with learning difficulties will receive the recognition and help they need."

Special Educational Needs - "I'm the adoptive mum of four siblings all of whom have turned out to be ASD with combined difficulties of ADHD, SPD, ADP, Dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc. All diagnosed very late after huge battles with authority (my youngest was diagnosed last summer when he was 16 and suicidal!) I have written a book to help other parents. Please look at my web site. I'd like to put a link to Adders and would love you to mention my book and link to my site. 'Surviving the Special Educational Needs System: How to be a Velvet Bulldozer,' published by Jessica Kingsley Publishing in late 04. Receiving very good reviews particularly from frazzled parents (I am one of those frazzled ones so sympathise with all). "

DANDA - "Welcome to DANDA - Developmental Adult Neuro-Diversity Association, for people with conditions such as Dyspraxia, ADHD, and Asperger's Syndrome. A new organisation founded to better the lives of neuro-diverse people"

Dyslexia Association Birmingham - "We have recently launched our new web site which aims to provided useful resources to dyslexic people from the Birmingham area"

Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Semantic Pragmatic Language Difficulties Parents Pages - "I am a parent of a child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Semantic Pragmatic Language difficulties and have set up a website for parents/carers in the UK with children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder & Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. It provides Links for Autism and related conditions, Language and Communication, Health & Diet, Education and a Discussion Forum"

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities - "Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities is a United Kingdom based organisation which aims to improve the quality of life for people with learning disabilities"

KJP's Asperger's Syndrome Site - "My name is Kevin and I have Asperger's Syndrome. I also have my own website. It features how I came to be diagnosed, my psychological history, my views on life, and many other issues."

Bridging the Gap - "I am a play therapist and special needs consultant."

Support Network 2000 - "a small organisation for parents and carers "

Special needs family friendly fun - "Our mission is to: enable families with special needs to share with each other their experiences, information and inspirations"

special-abilities - "We are a family with a daughter who have cerebral palsy, we lead very busy lives, and we have learned a lot about different aspects of the needs of a child with special needs. Through this we have been able to help other families who have a child with special needs, and we have been able to gather a lot of useful information"

Davis Dyslexia Association UK - "Do you have dyslexia? Does someone in your family? If so, you may be interested in the DavisŽ Dyslexia Correction Programme we offer at our centre in Cranbrook"

Davis Reading Correcton Program - "This program has been designed by Ron Davis, who was in his early years, autistic. Ron became a successful engineer, businessman and sculptor. Through his search to correct his own dyslexia Ron has developed an innovative, creative method to eliminate the confusion that causes learning difficulties and enhance the perceptual talent that these talented, multi-dimensional thinkers possess."

FAS-UK - FAS-UK is a group of parents and professionals in the United Kingdom devoted to raising awareness about Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND), to help reduce the incidence of birth defects caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and to assist individuals and families struggling with the life-long disabilities associated with FAS/ARND.

Angela Davis website - "relating to ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome."

LINK - "We are a support group situated in West Lothian who are dedicated to providing information to parents and carers of children with special educational needs."

Sandwell Mind - A mental health charity in the West Midlands, UK

Dyslexia UK Net - Site for Catherine Armstrong, "Authorised DavisŽ Facilitator CORRECTION FOR Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalcula, Dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD and related problems for all ages" - Jill Curtis is a senior psychotherapist working in the UK, this is her help site for parents and grandparents.

Narcolepsy - A brilliant site by John, full of information about Narclepsy and his own personnal stories.

autismconnect - "autismconnect is a continuation of Autism99 - last year's web based conference. Such was the success of Autism99 (with over 23,000 delegates from 112 countries) that this not-for-profit charity is pioneering an autism portal"

Tony Attwoods site - This web site is a guide for parents, professionals, people with Asperger's Syndrome, and their partners.

Tourette Syndrome UK - Site by a mum of a child diagnosed with Tourettes. Full of useful information, links and a regular Chat Forum.

National Autistic Society - Information, news and links on Autism, Aspergers and similar conditions.

National Autistic Society (Surrey Branch) - As above, but with more local information for the South (and when I say more, I mean more!)

The British Dyslexia Association - The national organisation for specific learning difficulties.

The Family Compass - "The Family Compass - Resources and guidance for parents trying to direct their kids and family in the right direction. At-Risk Teens, Reactive Attachment Disorder, ADD, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Eating Disorders, Drug Rehab, Substance Abuse, Therapy".

Dyslexia Help: Improving Reading and Attention - "Our mission is to help kids who learn best when they see and experience information. We teach the way they learn, and given the right tools these children can accomplish anything".

bedwettinghelp - "Thousands of people have contacted us asking if our treatment program will work for their situation: An older child, teenager, twins, an adult, heavy wetting, occasional wetting, or have tried everything with no success. Our program works, and we will guide you every step of the way ... starting today".

Dry Bed - "Bedwetting is caused by an inherited deep-sleep disorder, causing the bedwetter to spend most of the night in Stage 4 sleep, which is an oxygen-deprived sleep".

Challenging Adversity - "provides information as well as hope and encouragement to parents, educators and care givers of children and adults who have challenging disabilities".

Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit - "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome research unit headed by Dr. Ann Streissguth, University of Washington - School of Medicine. (not only do we provide info on our research projects and findings, we have a list of support groups worldwide, list international FAS/E conferences as they come up, and provide many other resources)".

The Grey Centre - "for Social Learning and Understanding Dedicated to individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and those who work alongside them to improve mutual understanding. Carol Gray is a gifted teacher, speaker and author. Numerous parents and professionals, as well as the children with whom they live and work, have been helped by Carol's innovative ideas. She was first known for her Social Stories, but has also researched and spoken about bullying and other relevant topics".

Future Horizons - Future Horizons is the world leader in autism/Asperger's Syndrome publishing only because of Wayne Gilpin's son Alex. His diagnosis with high-functioning autism didn't deter Wayne, or the many others who love Alex, from enjoying the many positives he brings to the world. .

Dyslexia the Gift - "Join us as we explore the positive talents that give rise to dyslexia, and share our knowledge about the best ways for dyslexic people to learn. Here's what we offer: methods for overcoming learning problems developed by Ron Davis, author of The Gift of Dyslexia".

Weaver Clinic - "The Weaver Clinic was founded in 1985 to improve the functioning of children and adults with learning and attentional differences. The Clinic's objectives and direction evolved from Dr. Weaver's personal experiences of living with attentional, learning, and self-esteem difficulties."

Students Who Learn Differently - "The information compiled on these pages is the result of studies undertaken by the Educational Support Committee of the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas"

Special Needs, Special Children, Special Help - Susan DePaola represents parents of children with diabilities in getting services in public schools in Alabama.

L.D. Pride Online - "An online community for youth and adults with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder. It is also a great source of information and inspiration for people with LD"

The Bipolar Child - "The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder." Website for the book "The Bipolar Child" by Dr. Demitri and Janice Papolos giving lots of futher information.

Dyslexia Online - This website is maintained by Dr. Harold Levinson, and is dedicated to resolving the traditional misconceptions of dyslexia and related attention deficit and anxiety disorders.

Celiac Support Page - The purpose of this site is to provide people who have celiac disease (a.k.a. gluten intolerance) and are not aware of it with a means of figuring out what their problem is, and to help those who know they have it lead more comfortable and healthy lives. There is also a section describing a link with ADD/ADHD.

FRAXA Research Foundation - Details on the condition known as Fragile X Syndrome - a genetic disorder with strong links to ADD/ADHD.

Special Education Greece - "Here you can find useful information with regard to the organisation and operation of our electronic magazine as well as be informed for the last developments on issues special education."

Child Mental Health - "informative material for mental illnesses and problems, the reasons that him cause, symptoms, handling and treatments, in simple, not scientific, language." - "?Kalwsi'rcate in the! In our web page you will find a lot of articles for parents and children, as well as the forum of"

Internet Mental Health - A free encyclopedia of mental health information, including descriptions and treatment options on a whole range of disorders, i.e., A.D.D., Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder etc., etc. By Canadian psychiatrist, Dr.Phillip Long. Includes European descriptions of some of these disorders as well as a host of other detailed mental health information.

Zannie Danks Davis' site - "dealing with her 7 step method to help dyslexics achieve literacy success".

Dyslexia Help - Website for "Raewyn Matheson and I teach those with dyslexia, dispraxia ,etc, ADD, and ADHD in New Zealand".

Mental Help - Mental Health site for Brazil.

Dyslexia Online - "An online magazine offering information on and resources for dyslexia".

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