Web Links
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
USA Links
A Guide to ADHD and Dental Care
ADD/ADHD Mental Health and School
Helping Children with ADHD and ASD Sleep
ADHD Boss - "How to Thrive with ADHD"
Retail Savings Guide for People with Disabilities - "Ultimate guide to coupons and additional savings programs offered by retailers for people with a disability."
Your Family Psychiatrist - NW Houston - "New ADHD treatment clinic in Houston, TX. We have appointments available within 2 business days. Cypress child psychiatrists and adult psychiatrists serving the Houston area including Katy, Jersey Village, and Spring, TX."
ADHD Collective - Melissa Muller, M.Ed., PCCI, NCC and Adam Muller coach adults, professionals, and college students with ADHD. "We unite with you and pair up with your ADHD journey. Our ADHD coaching uses a 4-step process that empowers you to follow through. We help you stand up, get traction, and start building momentum toward your goals."
AdderallAddictionSupport.com a mobile-friendly website for anyone who suffers from abusing Adderall and potential subsequent addiction.
PhDinSpecialEducation.com A collection of 125 Exceptional Twitter Accounts Covering Special Needs including ADD & ADHD, Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy and more.
Online Guide: ADD/ADHD A helpful online guide by qrcodegeneratorfree.org
LDA Minnesota "A leading community-based resource for solving problems related to learning and attention such as attention-deficits/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Whether you are a parent or teacher of a child with a learning disability, professional, adult, spouse or partner, our client services provide strategies and support to overcome daily obstacles and challenges, leading the way to a more productive and fulfilled life." They also have a weekly support group for adults with adhd. Every Thursday : 10:00-noon, or 7:00-8:30pm.
ADHD '3 Steps To Conquering ADD-ADHD has become a world-wide phenomenon and one of the most successful self-help books on the topic of Natural ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Tactics.'.
ADHD Answers Blog by Dr. Esta M. Rapoport, author of 'ADHD and Social Skills: A Step by Step Guide for Teachers and Parents'.
Daycare Directory Search for accredited child daycare providers in your area, learn about accreditation for childcare providers, and shop for quality children's products.
Effective Parenting Strategies, Tips, Help and Advice
- Website for Dr. Noel Swanson MD, Author of "The GOOD CHILD Guide: Putting an End to Bad Behavior" - "The quickest and fastest way to solve your children's behavior problems." You can also find details of his E Book there too which I am sure will be a huge help to many.
Celebrate! ADHD - "Celebrate! ADHD offers practical, positive solutions, tips and a free newsletter to help families affected by ADHD".
Youth Change - The Youth Professional's
Problem-Kid Problem-Solver.
Boot Camps For Troubled Teens - Comprehensive guide on teen boot camps and alternatives for struggling teens.
International Adult ADD Meetup - "AAdult ADD Meetups can happen in up to 604 cities worldwide on the same day. Enter your location to find the one near you:"
Help for Parents of Troubled Teens - Find alternative educational facilities for a loved one in trouble.
ADD Centers of America - Dr. Jaksa is a clinical psychologist in Chicago, IL and director of the ADD Centers of America. He has over 15 years experience working with children, adolescents, and adults with ADD/ADHD. From 1998 through 2001 Dr. Jaksa served as president of the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (www.add.org) and currently serves on the ADDA Board of Directors. He is the parenting editor for ADDitude Magazine.
National Resource Center (NRC) - The ADD/ADHD section of the popular "Parents and others who are searching for information on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder now have somewhere to turn. May 20 was the official opening of the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder's (CHADD) National Resource Center (NRC) on AD/HD, the country's first and only national clearinghouse dedicated to the evidence-based science and treatment of AD/HD. The clearinghouse is a collaboration between the CDC and CHADD, an advocacy organization serving individuals with AD/HD."
Parenting With Dignity
- " As a parenting-focused Web site, our primary mission is to teach effective parenting skills. Our secondary objective is to serve as a resource for the thousands of people who visit our site each month."
- Web home of the publication, ADDitude Magazine, run by well known ADD protagonist Bob Seay. Includes lots of useful information which is updated daily, busy forum, an Ask The Experts section where you can seek advice from a list of well known professionals and lots more...
Play Attention™
- Website of the computer based learning tool which uses NASA technology to help ADDers focus better (see adders.org News article).
Attention Deficit Disorders Association Southern Region - "This page is used to assist anyone interested in information about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which will be referred to as ADD throughout this homepage) mainly for the states of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, or Arkansas but available to other areas. The information may be used by parents, teachers, professionals or anyone wanting to learn more about ADD." Including "La información en el español la venida pronto."
Jerry Mills Website - "It’s his music. His message. The uniquely spellbinding way he inspires teachers, parents and kids.
Jerry Mills is the most compelling motivational speaker you’ll ever experience on the issues of learning disabilities, learning styles, and motivating "at risk" and challenging kids."
Afraidtoask.com - This site has an excellent section on ADD/ADHD and also..."currently offers eight medical information guides online, with many more under development. Thousands of men and women have already used the web site to get up-to-date information on sexually transmitted diseases, hair loss, bowel movements, birth control, skin cancer, Lyme disease, and male and female physical anatomy.
Board- certified physicians supervise all content development."
The HANDLE Institute - Holistic Approach to NeuroDevelopment and Learning Efficiency. "The HANDLE approach is a comprehensive, drug-free approach, using multiple disciplines to explore and treat neurodevelopmental issues. This approach treats the root causes of a problem rather than treating symptoms."
Thom Hartmann's AD/HD Web Site
- Internationally known and well respected ADD/ADHD author Thom Hartmann's new website with information and links plus details of Thom's books.
EEG Spectrum - "Neurofeedback is a learning strategy that enables people to alter their brain waves and exercise the brain's own regulatory mechanisms. Also known as EEG biofeedback, it is used for many conditions and disabilities in which the brain is not functioning as well as it might".
Sari Solden - Well respected author Sari Solden (Woman With Attention Deficit Disorder), now has her own website. As well as lots of information, you can put questions to Sari using her forum.
ADDvance - Excellent resource site for women and girls with ADD, run by well known ADD/ADHD professionals Patricia Quinn M.D., and Kathleen Nadeau Ph. D.
Parent Coaching Cards
- Dr. Steven Richfield's very informative site with details of his "Parent Coaching Cards system...."The cards offer practical advice on handling the tantrums, setbacks and frustrations that confound youngsters and adolescents... (they) have won praise from parents and from colleagues.".
ADHD ezines
- Monthly ADHD ezines sent to you via email.
The Turquoise Butterfly Press
- Terri Andrews publishes a national print newsletter
called Mama's Little Helper that is specifically for parents of ADD/ADHD children. This is her new website and includes a Q & A
column for parents to submit their questions and concerns. At the time of writing her website is still under construction but contains some excellent material.
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (U.S)
- National Association in the States for adults and families with ADD.
One A.D.D. Place - Very good site with an A.D.D. adult bias. Check out the "Treasure Chest", particularly 'famous people with ADD' and 'Adult ADD Symptom Checklist'.
Brandi Valentine's ADD/ADHD Web Site - Packed full of interesting information, links and other resources.
- NetWellness is a Web-based consumer health information service developed by the University of Cincinnati Medical Center with many partners. The medical centers at Case Western Reserve University and The Ohio State University collaborate with the University of Cincinnati to provide the most current and accurate health information. Has an "Ask the Expert" facility, where you can ask questions about health related matters including ADHD.
- Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders.
The well known, very large, national United States organization with over 32,000 members and more than 500 chapters nationwide, which provide support and information.
UCLA ADHD Genetic Study
- "we are conducting a research study focused on understanding the genetic
factors that may be contributing to the cause of ADD/ADHD"
C Thomas Wild
- This is the autobiography for C Thomas Wild, in which he talks about being an adult with ADHD and the book he has written. There is also a link on this site to his Yahoo Communities Bulletin Board site.
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