ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies
EEG Biofeedback or Neurofeedback - This drug free approach is becoming very popular in the USA and is also available in the UK (see below).
The EEG Spectrum website at explains it best......
"EEG Biofeedback is a learning strategy that enables persons to alter their brain waves. When information about a person's own brain wave characteristics is made available to him, he can learn to change them. You can think of it as exercise for the brain.
What is it used for?
EEG Biofeedback is used for many conditions and disabilities in which the brain is not working as well as it might. These include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and more severe conduct problems, specific learning disabilities, and related issues such as sleep problems in children, teeth grinding, and chronic pain such as frequent headaches or stomach pain, or pediatric migraines.
The training is also helpful with the control of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, as well as for more severe conditions such as medically uncontrolled seizures, minor traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy."
Stuart Black from the UK writes:
A former executive at Bupa's Cromwell Hospital has launched a
neurofeedback service initially focused on children with ADHD symptoms.
The founder of BrainTrainUK (, Stuart Black says "We
describe neurofeedback as zero-risk alternative to medication. It's zero
risk both clinically, and also zero-risk financially, as the success rates
are so high we offer a money-back guarantee if it doesn't work.
Neurofeedback has been regarded by some as experimental in the past, but
we believe that the recent endorsement by the American Academy of
Pediatrics of EEG Biofeedback (aka neurofeedback) at the highest level of
Evidence-Based Intervention changes this. The discussions we have had with
paediatric consultants in the UK has been very encouraging and
supportive". Initially based in Egham, Surrey, a further practice will be
opening in Hoddesdon, Herts in June, and once the model is proven
BrainTrainUK hopes to roll the service out across the UK.
Bal Singh from the UK writes:
"EEG Biofeedback or Neurofeedback pioneered in the USA has been available in
the UK since 1996 from EEG Neurofeedback Services. This is a
full time comprehensive neurofeedback practice offering treatment as a NHS
service provider or by private referral. As well as treating ADD/ADHD they
have also dealt with a variety of other conditions such as Tics, Dyspraxia,
Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, Asthma, Epilepsy, etc. This leads to the
elimination of medications such as Ritalin, Pemoline, Respiridone, Becotide,
Epilim as the brain learns to take control. Actual write-ups from people who
have recieved the treatment can be found at
as well as local press/radio articles featuring the work of the practice.
The work of the practice has also been featured nationally, in the Sunday
Times, since 1998."
Alex Elsaesser, PARNET Assistant, Cerebra-For Brain Injured Children and Young People writes:
"The Imperial College School of Medicine is to start testing a remarkable NEW THERAPY for attention problems from USA. This is comes after two years of negotiations and a transatlantic trip for Professor Gruzelier instigated and funded by The Rescue Foundation - (now Cerebra-For Brain Injured Children and Young People).
The therapy requires no drugs, surgery or other invasive procedures, just training of the child to regulate their own brain!
It has been known for many years that children with attention, hyperactivity and learning problems often have abnormal brain waves (EEG) and that they can be trained to alter them. Professor Lubar of Tennessee has demonstrated repeatebly that when these children self-regulate their brain waves the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity diminish or disappear altogether! But …. the first children that will have the opportunity to try this remarkable therapy in the UK will be those enrolled on the research programme that is validating the therapy for the UK. The intention is to train appropriate professionals to make the therapy more widely available hopefully through the NHS."
Alex Elsaesser
PARNET Assistant, Cerebra-For Brain Injured Children and Young People, 13 Guildhall Square, Carmarthen SA31 1PR
Tel: 0800 32 81 159
Email: Click Here
Annette writes:
"I came across your web page in my search for worms for my organic garden.
I notice that your organization is involved with ADD/ ADH.
Your information to your public is very incomplete in this respect if you
do not have a like to Margaret Ayers web site. Margaret Ayers has been one
of the founding and basic pioneers in neuro feedback, in the development of
the equipment, and the treating of ADD/ADH, open or closed head injury,
coma, stroke, epilepsy, migraine and cluster headaches, anoxia, learning
disabilities, dyslexia, and clinical depression.
She is the inventor all patents hold of the only on line real-time EEG
equipment. The "real-time" enable a more skilled and precise interpretation
of the brain wave patterns and provides the opportunity for immediate
correction of abnormal rhythmic patterns.
She is the only person in the WORLD who is able to bring a person out of a
second stage coma with the aid of her machine. She lectures all over the
world to doctors and clinicians.
I ought to know, I have had six major auto accidents all with major head
injury. Margaret Ayers gotten right of my ADD, my seizures, she have
recover my speech, and short-term memory. If it were not for Margaret
Ayers, I would be a street person today.
I have sat in her office and talked with other patients, many who have
come to her from other, not so qualified practitioner and doctors, Margaret
Ayers is truly on of God's miracle workers.
If you're going to me talking about ADD/ADH treatment then having her bed
page is a MUST!!!!!
Wishing us all health, wholeness and healthier planet, "
Dana from Country -- Michigan, USA writes:
"My adopted son Robert was born crack addicted in 1990. Diagnosised with ADD/ADHD at 3 he has been on stimulants all his life. He has fought and overcome the sp. ed. school system for the last 3 years. Through neuro-feedback he has learned to control his symptoms plus his rages due to holes made in his brain by his mother's drug use. He wants to help the other 400,000 children born and adopted out each year. We have written a book on his journey to show the different methods we used and what he had to endure at the hands of the school system. He has succeeded but nobody wants to hear his story."
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