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The Glenview Treatment
Gary from Australia writes.......

"I am a qualified nutritionist with a diploma in same from Queensland Institute of Natural Science, issued in 1985. I also have qualifications in massage therapy and this includes Chinese and Japanese as well as Swedish.

I have studied herbal medicine from native teachers for over 30 years in Singapore, Canada under a Mic mac Indian herbal master, my Maori relations in New Zealand and aboriginal healers in Australia. I am still learning from such people as it is an on going study, that does not finish with a final examination.

While practising in New Zealand in the early 80s I had my own clinic and treated many people for such things as Chronic Fatigue and Candida and ADD with success. I migrated to Australia in 1986 and saw that these maladies had taken a real hold. I ofered to teach the Australian naturopaths how to treat the people with these ailments and they just were not interested.

It was a bit of snobbism. They had big diplomas that said they had attended some wondeful college and my diploma was not so fancy. The real difference was that I was getting results where they were getting band aid solutions.

Now it is a different story. Quite a lot of their patients have since come to me and have experienced complete recoveries. Now some of these same naturopaths are asking me quietly to share the knowledge with them.

I have taught only two, and they were not from the ones who laughed in the fifrst place. These other two naturopaths are getting good rsults with my methods but they too do not seek publicity.

I am coming up to retirement age now and am still not impressed with the so called establishment that resists change because they did not discover it first. I still travel widely and work with Chinese practitioners and Maori and US Indian herbalists. I still mix with my tribal brothers in the aboriginal nation inAustralia and still get the results many others wish they could.

My methods use only natural means and no drugs or synthetic vitamins are used. It is mainly done using nutrition and cleanising with herbs and other natural products.

The treatment takes three to five weeks and cost is around $300 to $400 and needs be done only once.

I can be contacted only by Email for the initial contact.

I hope this gives you enough to go on. I will be writing an ebook on these subjects later so more genuine practitioners can learn something that is simple but very effective."

You can email Gary at:

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