March 26th 2010
UK ADHD/ASC Youth Research Gives £25 For Participation
ECOTEC Research & Consulting are currently conducting some
research for Big Lottery Fund looking at the issues and challenges around
the transition of young people from youth to adulthood in the United Kingdom, specifically
people with neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD or an ASC) aged between
17-25. This group is one BIG have identified as most in need and they are
considering developing a targeted funding programme later this year, and
they wish to explore where they could add value to the sector. They would
like to consult with young people within the target groups as well as with
staff working with those young people who have an insight into what the
issues might be.
The following flyer explains the research an participants will receive £25 as a thank you for
their time. They are able to come and visit, if that is appropriate or
conduct interviews by phone or electronically if preferable.
We are currently looking for young people aged 17-25 with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or who have an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) to take part in a research project. Could you spare about 45 minutes to chat to us about your experiences? The Big Lottery Fund has asked ECOTEC, an independent research organisation, to look at the views and experiences of young people with ADHD or an ASC in the transition to adulthood. This will help Big Lottery Fund to understand how they might be able to assist young people in the future.
As a thank you for your time you will receive £25.
We are keen to hear from young people who have had help or support from health or other services as well as people who have not had as much help or support.
The research will be completely confidential and you will not be identified within the results.
You can take part by telephone, face to face or by email or skype/MSN.

Research study supported by the Big Lottery Fund
For more info on ECOTEC see
They are also interested to hear from support organisations who would be willing to contribute some thoughts through a telephone discussion or face
to face short interview, lasting say 30-45 minutes? They are interested to
hear about local projects that are working with young people as they
transition to adult services. For this and any questions about the research please contact the project manager Nicola Smith as per the details in the above flyer.
Simon Hensby for