May 28th 2010
By Susan Tyne
Zechariah was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 15yrs. He lived a short 22yrs.
Born at home with a head of long black hair, he arrived into life a strong healthy baby. He slept little, walked & talked before he was a year old.
As a toddler he was always on the go and I used to call him my little radio, always asking questions, a curious young philosopher perhaps? At his first school he was found to be dyslexic by a kind and inspiring teacher, finding reading and writing tricky, although his mental arithmetic was way in advance of his years he was never able to manage money. He excelled in anything physical such as gymnastics, sport and dance and was the lead in the class during verbal debates. He had problems interacting with other children at school and they would encourage his impulsive nature, often causing him to act inappropriately. Zechariah found confrontation very difficult to deal with throughout his short life. He adhered to a deep moral code, which at times caused him distress. All his life he was extremely well co-ordinated and very articulated.
As he grew into a strapping and good looking man his disability became even more hidden, as a vulnerable adult he became the target of drug barons, girls would fight over him to the point of jealous accusations and in his desire to have friends he would often find himself in an environment that he did not want to be in. He found obtaining and maintaining a job very difficult although he was a diligent worker and did the job well when time was taken for him to have a mentor, responding extremely well to positive reinforcement.
He fathered 2 children and was keen to provide for his family, but a breakdown in his relationship left him severely depressed and he returned to live with me for the final year of his life. He was besotted and adored his two children.
Zechariah’s death was a tragic and sad story, bought about by so many factors that he felt were unable to be resolved. He was a bright individual who felt his disability always got in the way of his desire to succeed. He was a happy carefree young boy whose sad story began at the break up of his parent’s marriage when he was 7yrs old. Although his problems were observed when he was only 5yrs, the late diagnosis of his disability, gave him many years of struggling at school. The loneliness & difference he felt within lead to severe paranoia. He suffered at the hands of persons he thought to be his allies. The unhappy break up of his relationship with the mother of his children and the ensuing tragic separation from his own children were significant issues in his sad demise. All these factors, plus so many more were just too greater hindrance for him. The mountain seemed just too big to climb and depression ate away at his desire to live even though to the outside world he appeared strong and happy. In retrospect he would have made a first class actor.
Zechariah had a strong faith in reincarnation and he believed that maybe in his next life he may be more fortunate. He hoped that the wisdom and knowledge learnt in this life would go with him. It is with this thought and glimmer of hope that I have been lucky to find strength in his death, that it is not an end but a new beginning. I was blessed to be his mother and that he chose to come to share his last year of life with me, entrusting all his troubles, philosophies, wishes and desires to me. I therefore have some very joyful, sad, special, intimate and honest moments to remember Zechariah my ‘Shining Star’, soul mate and youngest son.

This CD has been compiled as a tribute to my son Zechariah. Shining Star CD is a selection of 13 songs that I have chosen to sing in Zechariah’s memory, many of which he and I shared together. All profits from the sale of this CD will be donated to the charities:- ADDERS (ADHD Information & Support) & DANCE VOICE (dance movement & therapy centre).
If you would like a copy, please email your request or
Tel: 01884 822891
Shining Star is priced at £5 each, plus postage & packing.
P & P rates for one CD at:-UK £1.50 / Europe £2.75 / Rest of the World £4.50, larger orders by price quote.
Payment can be made by cheque or online via Paypal.
The CD is also available from:
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