The Fourth Annual ADDISS Conference - Day Two
The second day at the Royal National Hotel (click here for day one) saw another excellent attendance again of over 400 delegates. The morning keynote speeches, "The Overlaps of ADHD, DAMP and Asperger Syndrome" by Professor Christopher Gillberg, "Space, Face, Voice And Choice: The Critical Role Of Social Skills Development In Addressing The Needs Of Students With Attentional And/Or Learning Problems" by Professor Loretta Giorcelli and "Current Understandings of ADHD Across the Lifespan:
Inattention and executive Function Impairments" by Professor Thomas E Brown PhD, were all very well received.
of is at the conference and will give a fuller report on her return.
The afternoon session included:
1.45pm - Parallel Sessions
1. ADHD and Bi Polar Disorder - Peter Jensen M.D
2. Effective teaching and management of AD/HD children in schools, what works for whom -Sam Goldstein Ph.D
3. Language Learning Disability And ADHD -The Overlaps: concepts, functions vulnerabilities and management .- Dr Paul Hutchins
4. ADHD, Substance Abuse and Criminal Behaviour - Dr Nikos Myttas
5. An evaluation of two parenting treatment modalities for 3 year old children with overactivity - David Daley, Margaret J.J. Thompson, Cathy Laver-Bradbury
3.30pm -5.45pm
1. An Introduction to Coaching Pt1 - Dianne Zaccheo M.S.W
2. ADD Success Stories Pt1 Thom Hartmann
3.30pm -4.30pm
3. Pathways to Shared Care in Worcestershire - Dr Alison
Munden/Dr Andy Mills
4. Re-Weaving the Tapestry of ADHD and Asperger Syndrome-
Lisa Blakemore Brown
5. I've Tried Everything With That Kid:Take-Away Tips For
Schools - Prof Loretta Giorcelli
4.45pm - 5.45pm
6. Special Educational Needs and the Law - Paul Conrathe
7. Going on to Further education with ADHD - Steve Kelly
Tomorrow is the final day of the conference and the program is as follows:
9.00 am - What Co-morbidity in ADHD means for Assessment and Treatment - Professor Peter Hill
10.00am - ADHD and Youth Justice Part One
Dr Geoff Kewley, Mr Tom Tennant,
Mr John Sanford, Pat Greenway
11.30am - ADHD and Youth Justice Part Two
12.30pm - Lunch
1.45pm - Parallel Sessions
1. Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment of ADHD in Adults - Professor Thomas E Brown PhD
2. Lonely Sad and ADHD Sam Goldstein PhD
3. Bugs in the Program: A sensory integration perspective on
co-morbidities - - Dr Noel Swanson
4. The Holy Trinity of Classroom management: Structure, Differentiation and Flexibility - Fintan O'Regan
5. The profile of children and their parents with ADHD being treated with medication in a community clinic - Dr Margaret Thompson
6. Healing ADD - Thom Hartmann
3.00pm - Tea
ADHD Management - Is N.I.C.E. Nice Enough?
Professor Eric Taylor
Professor Peter Hill
Dr Geoff Kewley
Professor Thomas E Brown PhD
Dr Paul Hutchins
4.45pm CLOSE
On an additional note to the conference, BBC News and GMTV ran stories today on school exclusions and included interviews with ADHD youngsters and their families. We can report that conference speaker, Sam Goldstein is expected to give an interview for GMTV tomorrow morning, 28th March, on this subject at around 6 and 7.30 a.m.
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