Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 3, Number 2, September '99
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check for up to date information.
Kid in the Corner
Is a three-part drama produced by Tiger Aspects about a child with ADHD. It goes through the initial problems, diagnosis and medication. It is supposed to be a very positive look at ADHD, although I have not read the script personally, Dr Kewley has been an advisor along with Andrea Bilbow from ADD Information Services. I would encourage you to keep a look out for the programme and let us know your comments, which we will pass on to the producers. Hopefully it will bring some positive awareness to ADHD.
What can be done to help adult sufferers and what is available to our children when they leave the paediatric service?
The answer is still nothing, despite numerous phone calls to the Health Trust we are still no where nearer getting the medication of adults sorted, this is also the case for children leaving Paediatrics at the school leaving age. We are continuing to try to get an appointment with a representative from the Trust to discuss this matter and will keep you informed of the developments as and when they happen, don't hold your breath though.
If you have a child between the ages of 13 and 16 I would stress the need for you to discuss the medication issue with your consultant well in advance of your child reaching the cut off age.
We would really like to hear of your experiences in this matter, as this will help us to build a stronger case for the Health Authority to consider. Please could you telephone us and let us know if your child is still receiving medication after 16 and how you manage to obtain this or if your child's medication has been stopped because they have reached the magic age!
Meetings for Parents
We have been asked by a number of the newer members if we are going to hold meetings for parents to get together to talk about ways we each have of coping with our kids.
We have been offered the use of a room at the Kingfisher Children's Centre, Lanthorne Road, Broadstairs. The first meeting will be at 10a.m. Tuesday 9th November. Following meetings will be the second Tuesday of the month. 14th December, 11th January and 8th February have been booked. Smaller children will be welcome at these meetings but I must stress that they will remain the responsibility of their parents and they must not be allowed to run around within the Centre itself. Coffee and Tea will be available and we will be asking for donations to cover costs. Please try to attend these meetings as if they prove worthwhile then we will try to sort out evening meetings for those who wish to attend but cannot make daytime.
Transitional Reviews for Children aged 14+ with Statements of Educational Needs
Please be aware that all children with a Statement should have a Transitional Review of their Statement around the time of their 14th birthday. This is to sort out how they can receive the best help available for the final years of school. Also present at this review should be a representative from the Careers Office and the Transitional Social Worker.
Caroline, Simon and Richard met with the Transitional Social Worker recently and she was very helpful in giving ideas as to what is available for Richard, and other children with special needs, with or without a Statement, once they reach 16.
If you would like further information please get in touch with us.
Did You Know?
Even if a child does not have a Statement you can get extra time for exams and also a 'prodder' a person to keep them on task for exams. Our children suffer from attention problems so they are entitled to this but you must contact the school or LEA well in advance if you wish to have this facility available.
Also the Transitional Social Worker can help those with ADHD even if they don't have a Statement.
Barbara Denny, the TSW we saw is hoping to attend some of our meetings if anyone would like to meet up with her that would be an ideal time. Those who cannot make daytime meetings we will be trying to sort out some evening meetings in the near future.
Some Useful places for Help
Action Support for Special Needs Children
10 Stoney Rd
Faversham ME13 9TN
Dave Lee Happy Holidays - provide accommodation for families of disabled or deprived children in Kent.
36 Sturry Hill Canterbury CT2 0NZ
The Family Fund - can give grants for disabled children for extra equipment or holiday funding.
P.O. Box 50 York YO1 2ZX
Thanet ADDers and online is run by Caroline & Simon Hensby. See the heading on the front of this newsletter for contact details.
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