Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 4, Number 3, February 2002
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check for up to date information.
Firstly apologies for the delay between Newsletters. This has been due to some health problems.
One of our ambitions over the years has been to produce a 3 fold leaflet which can be placed in Doctors Surgeries and Clinics to inform people about AD/HD and about the Support Group. There are so many who are affected by AD/HD who have very little support and are not aware that we as a Group are here to offer this. We feel that by having leaflets in these establishments we can help reach those who need support and don't know where to turn. Obviously this costs money and up until now it has just been a dream. Now thanks to the Inner Wheel this dream can become reality and we are now getting leaflets produced and hope to distribute them to Doctors and Clinics in the Thanet and Herne Bay area shortly.
During the past few months Caroline has attended a couple of meetings locally.
Firstly I attended a Training Day organised by the Learning Support Team. This was for Learning Support Assistants and SENCOs.
I was asked to talk about how ADD/ADHD affects the lives of families with children, the children themselves and adults who have been diagnosed. Secondly how we as parents felt about school issues and what help we would like to see given to our children in school. Thirdly our role as a Support Group and what we do.
The first part was sort of easy; I was diagnosed as having ADD/ADHD as an adult so I could say how it affects me now and also how it affected me as a child. Also as a parent how having a child with ADD/ADHD affects the family and life.
The second part was a bit harder. We all know what we would like to see done and what help we would like to see given to our children, but we also realise that under all the guidelines and regulations which are imposed on schools and teachers there is a difference between what we would like and what is actually achievable. The role of the school and the teacher is a difficult one at the best of times especially with all the Government Guidelines and the implementation of the National Curriculum. But when they are presented with a child with problems there is so much more for them to consider within these Guidelines.
The best things I could say to the meeting was that people need to learn to enjoy these children, to find the good points and to give some tips which others have found helpful. For example, giving short instructions, breaking things down into manageable chunks, maintaining eye contact and getting the child to repeat things back to ensure they have understood.
The third part again fairly straightforward. I gave details about how and why we set up the group, details about website and the telephone helpline. Also how schools and teachers can get in touch with us and also pass on our information to any parents they feel would find it useful.
The feedback I got from this was all very positive and all those LSAs and SENCOs who attended were very supportive.
Also at the meeting a presentation was given by Dr Christine Arnold and Helen Johnston from Orchard House about their role, diagnosis, medication, monitoring and treatment options. It was very interesting to hear more about the way Orchard House works.
We have been asked to enclose a flyer about some Lectures in March to be given by Dr B Jacqueline Stordy about the role of Fatty Acids.
These Lectures are free but not very local.
I.D. Cards
We have also included copies of leaflets produced by the Milton Keynes Support Group. This gives details of an I.D. Card for people on medication for AD/HD. These have been approved by the Primary Care Groups and need to be signed by the prescribing Doctor to confirm why the person would be carrying the medication in case of accident or any other circumstances.
Dr Stordy has been conducting research into products containing EFAs, such as Efalex and Eye Q.
Although these have had some promising results they are very small-scale studies, which have not been substantiated by the medical profession as a whole and more research and properly conducted, trials are needed to see if there are any benefits from these products, which can be quite costly.
However, if these work for your own child that is good, but there should be no pressure on any parent to use some of these treatments instead of the well researched and tested forms of medication.
The media do use these studies frequently and many scare stories and fears then arise.
If you have any ideas for the next Newsletter or items which you would like to send us please do so.
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