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Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 2, July 2003
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for adders.org. Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check adders.org for up to date information.
Only sent to parents or adults
We have recently been concerned by the lack of follow on care when a child reaches the age of 16. This along with a number of other issues were raised in a letter supported by our Patron Roger Gale to the local Health Authority.
We had a reply from the HA and they said that there were no real statistics for ADD/ADHD in adults and therefore were unable to provide any extra services at present. However if we were able to provide information about the effects and numbers of children affected by this transitional period we feel that we may be able to get the HA to look into this issue further. As we said in a previous Newsletter once a child leaves the children services there is no local provision and unless the consultant refers to one of the 2 NHS ADD/ADHD Adult Clinics all treatment stops.
With this in mind we have produced a questionnaire which is enclosed. This is for all ages of children and it would be very helpful to us at local level to try to encourage the local authority to consider this issue. Also at National Level we hope to get groups from all over the country to carry out the same to gather this information, which we will then be able to collate and hopefully add to the document, which will be presented to the Government after the Convention later this year.
We would ask for co-operation from our members and ask if everyone could take a few minutes to fill in the enclosed questionnaire and return it to us as soon as possible. Then we can put a good case together with some statistics to help to get ADD/ADHD acknowledged in older children and adults and also to try to bring forward more acceptance and help for all those with the condition.
Please return the questionnaire to us here at the address at the top of this Newsletter as soon as possible. All will remain anonymous, however if you wish to make any comments or ask for further information we can assure all that any personal details will not be passed on.
Now Finished
Safe Storage of Medication
We are all aware of a number of stories in the media where Methylphenidate has been used incorrectly and therefore highlighting any potential abuse of the medication.
These stories make life much harder for those treated with medication, the stigma for the child and family and all the added pressure and worry that involves.
This is why we must all remember that Methylphenidate is a controlled drug and therefore needs to be treated with respect. This means that it should be kept in a locked environment both at home and at school.
We have produced an Information Sheet about this and if anyone wants a copy please send your request to us with a stamped addressed envelope and we will send it out. This also includes information about travelling with Methylphenidate and details of the ID card produced by the Milton Keynes group which has Home Office approval.
We also have a number of other new Information Sheets available on request and also on our Website at www.adders.org including some FAQs with answers from highly respected consultants, help for problems with eating and an International Consensus Statement on ADHD by very eminent professionals.
Grey Olltwit on CD
Some of you may be aware from our website at www.adders.org that Simon produces PC Software under the name of Grey Olltwit.
We have now produced a CD Rom with all the software programmes, written by Grey Olltwit which can be requested direct from us here at Thanet ADDers. All we ask for is a donation of £5 to cover the cost of producing this CD Rom. However if you wish to donate any amount above this as a donation to help with the costs of running the Support Group that would be appreciated. So if you have a PC and are interested in getting a copy, please get in touch.
The CD now includes an ADD/ADHD simulation which has been used when speaking to a number of professionals all of whom have said afterwards how much it has made them realise the difficulties our children face and how it has changed their minds as to how things are currently done. If you would like to try this out or even take to the local school, please feel free to do so.
First Parent Convention
We have enclosed details for this event which is the first ever UK Parent Convention which is to be held in September. It is hoped that around 1,000 parents will attend.
The aim of the Convention is to get parents views and concerns about the services which are currently provided for our children with ADD/ADHD and also to find out what parents would like to see for service provision in the future.
This will then be put into an official document and passed on to Government Departments for consultation. The Department of Health is very interested to hear more about the problems surrounding the issues of children with ADD/ADHD and have therefore been in talks with ADDISS, and other groups including Thanet ADDers, and are giving this Convention some backing.
If you would like more information please get in touch with Caroline at Thanet ADDers or you can contact Andrea direct.
Strattera™ Now Available In UK
We have heard from B R Pharma that they are now receiving supplies of Strattera™. This will be available to people in the UK under the same conditions as Ritalin SR and ADDerall. Strattera is the new non stimulant medication. We can send more information if you send a stamped addressed envelope to us asking for this.
TALK by Dianne Zaccheo
ADD/ADHD Cause and Effect, Help and Strategies for Success for Children and Adults
This event held in November 2002 was a great success. Over 200 people attended and we have had a lot of positive feedback. We hope to arrange more events like this in the future. Our thanks to Dianne for a very interesting and enlightening evening.
Give Gazza A Break
The Channel 4 documentary on Paul Gascoigne confirmed what a lot of us in ADD support roles suspected. Whether Paul has been formally diagnosed with ADD is not clear but the psychologist interviewed for the making of "Inside The Mind Of Paul Gascoigne" believes that he suffers from ADD, OCD and Tourettes Syndrome.
Paul's wonderful football talent and his off pitch lifestyle have been so well documented in the media that I don't feel it's appropriate to go into detail here. Suffice to say that the media and to a certain extent the British public are perhaps guilty of helping this man along the road to despair. Like many people with ADD, Paul's negative behaviour has hit the headlines more than his superb talent on the football field and rather than help and support him, he's been knocked and kicked at every opportunity.
adders.org hopes that Paul now receives the help and support he lacked in the past and looks forward to the day when he can say, "ADD, OCD and Tourettes helped me become one of England's greatest footballers".
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