Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 2, June '97
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check for up to date information.
Day Out At Chessington
You may have read in the local press recently that we have had a fantastic donation from Dave Lee's
Happy Holidays that will help to pay for a trip for all our members to go on a day trip to Chessington
World of Adventure on August 28th 1997.
We have had an excellent response from our members and have filled two coaches. Those who have
booked will be notified shortly by letter of the details.
Talk by Dr Nayak 4th June 1997
Dr. Nayak very kindly agreed to come to talk to members of our group. We were very pleased to have 18 people turn up to hear what he had to say about AD/HD.
Dr Nayak gave a very informative talk on AD/HD and then accepted questions from the floor. I think all who attended would agree this was a very informative evening. We express our thanks to Dr Nayak and his wife for their time. A transcript of this talk will be available shortly. Please contact us if you would like a copy.
Youth Club
The Youth Club is now running on a fortnightly basis at Kent Artwise, St.Lukes Avenue, Ramsgate. The children seem to enjoy themselves, Simon and I are certainly tired at the end! The next meeting is Friday 27th June at 5.30 p.m until 7.00 p.m.
We are currently awaiting documentation to come through from Kent County Council which will give us the opportunity to have longer meetings if required. It should also enable further use of the Kent Artwise facility to be made, such as the video editing suite, art room, dance and drama studio. Currently we are restricted to games in the Gym.
Research Programme
On 9th June I attended a meeting with Dr.Pam Maras at Greenwich University. She is researching
into ADD/ADHD. Members will receive a questionnaire and stamped addressed envelope with this
Newsletter. If you can find the time, please complete and return the form to Pam Maras, to aid her
research. These questionnaires have been sent to groups throughout Kent as this current research is
part funded by Kent Paediatric Department.
I have to send Dr.Maras a list of our members so if do not wish to be included, please contact me.
Caroline Tel. +448715903693
We now have over 100 members. Membership remains free but we are always grateful for any donations, however small, towards our costs.
New members are always welcome. We have also become affiliated to the National Charity ‘Contact a
Forthcoming Adult Meetings - Dates For Your Diary
Thanet ADDers Meetings (cost is £2 per person to cover Hall & Speaker’s costs)
2nd July 1997 - Liz Plowman - Social Worker from the Children’s Disability Team will talk to us at
St.Paul’s Community Trust Hall at 7.30 p.m.
3rd September 1997 - Mr.Cole - Homeopath, will speak about homeopathic remedies. Venue to be advised.
Other meetings we have details of , that you may be interested in.
19th June - Ashe Rehal - Educational Psychologist - 7.OOpm What are children assessed on? Insight into the Education System
N.B. Please note that there is a change of venue for this evening. It will be taking place at The
Willesborough Baptist Church, Hythe Road Willesborough.
24th July - Parents Forum and Social Evening 7.OOpm
28th August - Claim for A.D.D 7.OOpm Kymm Farmer from the Tornado A.D.D. group on how to fill in Disability Benefit forms.
30th September - Growing up with Adolescents 7.OOpm
Dr Nayak from Cherry Tree House on coping with teenagers with A.D.D.
All meetings except for the l9th June will be held at the Ashford ADD/ADHD Support Group, Solid Rock Centre, 14 Norwood St,
Ashford. (Next to the White Elephant shop and Citizens Advice Bureau). For details contact Pauline Beer, tel. (Ol 233) 661079
10th July 1997 - ADD/ADHD - Study Day - Maidstone
AWCEBD - The Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties is
arranging a study day at the Shant Hotel, East Sutton, Maidstone. Speakers include Dr.Paul Cooper and Dr.Geoff Kewley.
The cost is £50 for members of AWCEBD,£60 for non members. For Thanet ADDers members reduced to £15. For full details and
instructions on how to get there contact Alan Rimmer,AWCEBD, Charlton Court, East Sutton, Maidstone, Kent. ME17 3DQ.
Tel. 01622 843104
8th - 10th September 1997 - Large International Conference
at Birmingham University. For details contact Andrea Bilbow at ADD Information Services, Tel. 0181 905 2013.
We have a library of a few books, which can be lent out for £1 a week. The titles are as follows:
Thom Hartmann: Beyond ADD, Think Fast, A Different Perception, Success Stories, A Prophet’s Way
Alan Train: How To Deal With Very Difficult Children
Dr.C..Green: Understanding ADD
Goldstein & Goldstein: A Parent’s Guide AD/HD, A Teacher’s Guide AD/HD
Sudderth & Kandel: Adult ADD
More books will be added shortly. We have details of many sources for the supply of books and other resources for ADD/ADHD. If you cannot find what you want locally, get in touch with us.
We also have a growing library of Information Sheets available. These are all available on our
Internet Web Site and by post from us on request @ 50p each (UK cost). The titles are as follows:
What is ADD/ADHD
ADD/ADHD - Possible Causes & Diagnosis
ADD/ADHD - Treatment Options
A British Perspective on the Psychological Assessment of Childhood AD/HD
Suggested Diagnostic Criteria For Attention Deficit Disorder In Children
Suggested Diagnostic Criteria For Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults
ADDvice for UK ADDults
THE FOUR S’s: A Comprehensive Program for Coaching People With ADD
Claiming Disability Living Allowance
Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies
My Top Tips For Dealing With My ADD Son, Richard
Fund Raising
If anyone has any ideas for the group, please contact us. Members will be contacted shortly as Simon
is planning to do a sponsored parachute jump with the money raised to be split 50/50 between Thanet ADDers and Dave Lee’s Happy Holidays. If you would like to be added to the list to receive a sponsor
form, please get in touch with us.
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