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Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 3, February 2004
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for adders.org. Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check adders.org for up to date information.
February Art Competition
We have enclosed a flyer about an Art Competition, which is being run by ADDISS. All entries have to be in by the end of February, which gives the children the whole of half term to create a great piece of Art Work to submit.
You can either send the completed entries to ADDISS direct or they can be sent to us here at Thanet ADDers and we will forward them on for you.
Lets get CREATIVE.
TASAD is a group that runs every Friday evening from 7 - 9pm at Ramsgate Leisure Centre.
This is a fun group with lots of different activities going on in both halls - football, table tennis and many others.
This group is open to families who have a disabled member, this includes children with ADD/ADHD. All children do have to be accompanied by an adult but there is enough going on for adults to also take part.
There is also access to the small coffee bar at the Leisure Centre which also has a number of computers which are connected via the open learning scheme to the Internet which can also be used during the evening.
There is a small charge for the evening, which helps to keep the charity running and enables them to keep up with the costs. This is currently £1.20 per person, per evening.
I have recently been along and I hope to go along on most Friday evenings. A good time seems to be had by all there and they are very welcoming to all, including children with ADD/ADHD and other behaviour or learning difficulties.
Once a month the local Autistic Society hold a support group meeting and I have been told that if we wish to hold a meeting for members of Thanet ADDers we would be welcome to do this on another evening in the month.
Thanet ADDers Support Group Meetings
If anyone is interested in coming along to a specific Support Group meeting please let me know and I can get things sorted out.
We can invite speakers along so this could be very helpful as we had to finish holding our monthly meetings over 2 years ago due to lack of people attending so we could not cover the cost to hire a venue. There would be no real charge for the evening apart from the normal entry to TASAD and we may ask for donations to be able to serve tea and coffee.
I will also be attending the general TASAD meetings on a lot of the other evenings so I would be happy to speak to any parents at that time about ADD/ADHD.
If you do go along you can always ask a member of TASAD if I am there on that particular evening
Grey Olltwit CD Rom
As you may be aware our website resources include free educational software and games written by Simon. These are all available for download in the free software section of our website. They are also available on a CD in return for a donation towards the costs of materials, postage and packing.
Thanks to recent generous donations we can now send out a limited number of our CD's at our expense, to families on low incomes and schools, who have limited or no access to the internet. For example a teacher may have internet access at home but none in the classroom, or a parent/carer may have limited internet access at work or a library but not at home. If you feel you qualify for one of these CD's, please apply in writing to our above address. We will not be asking for or investigating details of income or personal circumstances, so please do not apply for one if you just want a freebie, as the numbers we can send out are limited and you may be depriving someone else who could genuinely qualify for the resource.
Thanet ADDers and adders.org Survey
The results of the survey we sent out with the last newsletter along with the interim results from the same survey we hosted online, will also go into the documentation of the Report from the Parent Convention mentioned in our last newsletter. If anyone has not filled this in and returned it to us and wants to take part in this information gathering please send them in as soon as possible.
So far over 570 individuals throughout the UK have completed the survey and hopefully this will provide a useful addition to the information a number of groups throughout the UK are compiling to present to Government Departments to try to address the issues surrounding services and provision for ADD/ADHD throughout the UK.
Sixth International ADDISS Conference
15, 16 and 17 March 2004
Confirmed speakers
Dr Thomas Brown, Dr Robert Doyle, Professor Peter Hill,
Dr Gillian Baird, Dr Parama Santosh, Professor Loretta Giorcelli, Jerry Mills,
Michele Novotni PhD, Steven Houghton PhD, Wendy Richardson author of The Link Between ADD and Addiction
This should be a really good Conference; the findings of the Report from the Parent Convention will be discussed at the Conference.
The findings of this convention have now been analysed and put into a brochure. The brochure will be sent to all MP's and Government Departmental Officials.
Copies of the Report are now available so if anyone wants to know more they can get in touch with us or with ADDISS direct.
Are We Paying Enough Attention?
This is another Report, which will form more of the documentation.
A report on ADHD in the UK has been launched, which includes information on ADHD and results of a survey of specialist healthcare professionals. The specialists surveyed stated that ADHD has as great an impact on a child's development as other serious mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, dyslexia or Tourette's Syndrome. Yet over half of those surveyed believe that the disorder is currently under diagnosed in the UK and there are barriers to treatment, such as lack of knowledge, resources and time.
For more information please contact us here at Thanet ADDers
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