Thanet ADDers Newsletter

Volume 2, Number 1, April '98
Important, Please NoteThis is a copy of our local group's paper newsletter sent out to members of Thanet ADDers. For our main online homepage click here for Much will have happened since this newsletter was sent out, so check for up to date information.
Talk By Dr.G.Kewley
We are very lucky to have arranged for Doctor Geoff Kewley from the Learning Assessment Centre in West Sussex, to come and speak in Westgate on Monday 11th May at 7p.m. at the Westgate Community Centre. Tickets are limited and cost £3 each or 2 tickets for £5. A bigger bargain you could never see again.
We are sending details of Dr. Kewleys talk out to all schools, GPs and Social Services department within our local area and we hope that many professionals will want to attend to learn more about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and how the multi agency approach can help if we all work together. Please go into your childs school and question staff as to wither they will be attending, try to encourage them to come along to hear how they can be more effective in helping our children.
We will be holding a raffle and a refreshment table at the talk and anyone who could help to organise either of these please contact us. Also our information sheets will be available if anyone could offer to take details of what are required if we run out on the night.
We are also hopeing that either Andrea Bilbow (ADD Information Services) or Kevin Smallwood (Smallwood Publishing) will also be in attendance to promote books and other literature.
We have enclosed with this newsletter a ticket request form and a poster which we would be grateful if you could promote to your schools and other services, the ticket request form has general information regarding Dr. Kewley for those who do not know him personally.
Youth Club, which meets every Friday evening during school term time at 6.00 p.m. at Hartsdown Leisure Centre, is open to all ages and finishes at 7.30 p.m. It is also an opportunity for parents to get together in the Snack Bar there, for a chat and a coffee, so please come along. However, unless numbers of both children and helpers increase, we will have to reconsider running the Youth Club due to the costs involved
Monthly meetings for our group have been a bit of a hit and miss affair so far. We now have a regular meeting place so the first meeting will be Wednesday 22nd April 1998 at 8p.m. at 8 Almond Close, Broadstairs. We will discuss the arrangements for Dr Kewleys talk and what we want from future meetings. Please try to attend as your input is important.
Library Books, A number of our library books have gone missing. Please could you look to see if you have borrowed any and return them A.S.A.P
Fund Raising, If we are to continue to produce information and newsletters we urgently need funds. If anyone has any ideas for fund-raising or who we can contact for grants please let us know.
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