The following links will take you to resources on other websites which show support group listings in the United States of America. We apologise if you find any contact details that are out of date, incorrect or there are other groups which we don't know about. If you have any information on additions, corrections etc., then please contact us here.
USA Links To Support Group Details
CHADD - Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Association for adults is a growing online support groups community. Our goal is to bring people together around life's challenges by providing concise, up-to-date information and a meeting place for individuals, their friends and families, and professionals who offer pathways to help.
ADD Consults Online Support
Feingold Association
"..the original support group for families dealing with what is now being called ADHD. Since 1976 we have successfully showed people how to determine if diet is related to the symptoms of concern."
ADD Resources, formally ADDult Support of Washington's adult Support Group list
Support Group Conference Call
Bob Kowal writes...... "I am interested and committed to starting a men's support group free telephone conference call. If there is already one going, I would like to join it and will not start another. If anyone knows of one, please let me know through the e mail I include below. But if any men are interested in having a conference call support group to talk about ADHD and how it affects our relationships with significant people and women in our lives, please e mail me. My e mail is The "0" is a zero. Please, if you are willing, include your telephone number and I will call you to see if the group will be a fit for you. I am a private individual,not a counselor, although I was a school counselor during my career and have some skills in leading groups. I have a desire to have a structured method, yet open dialogue, for men to cope with ADHD.
I am 63 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD at age 60. I retired at age 60 and it has been a struggle with my wife having me home. I take up her "space" by my just being at home. Lots more details, but that's enough for now. So please e mail me an if there is enough interest, I will create a group where men can call in and talk.
Also, if there is any man who would just like to have someone to talk to regularly, I am open to that as well.
I forsee from the group, men finding someone they relate to to be able to call and have a "buddy" to share their story with. If this is something for you, please respond soon. My hope is to have the group started by December, beginning with one meeting a week, possibly more if the interest is there.
USA Websites
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